
Hello, my name is Jamie Drawbridge! If you have an entire Pinterest board dedicated to unattempted projects or your last effort didn’t quite turn out the way you’d hoped, you’re in the right place! Whether the thought of crafting seems overwhelmingly intimidating to you or whether you spend most of your lifeScreen Shot 2015-09-14 at 8.23.29 PM wandering through the aisles of craft stores (that’s not just me right?), this blog is for you. As a college student, I certainly understand the necessity of crafting on a budget, but as an Event Planning and Hospitality major I also understand the desire to design beautiful and practical pieces. Luckily, I can combine my creativity with my love for flea markets and all things vintage to come up with some pretty neat and low-cost projects. However, not everything turns out the way you plan, sometimes it’s for the better, and other times it’s a complete scratch. That’s part of what makes it so fun and probably why my craft room always looks more like a war zone (okay, more like my craft room, bedroom, dining room…you get the idea!) Anyways, I hope you join me along this journey and get ready for some unraveled mayhem!

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